Thursday, April 11, 2013

(#14) Jayme Learns to Sew a Quilt

So I've started working on number 14 on my list, which is about quilting.

I wrote about my fascination with quilts on my old blog, here.

Of course, I couldn't start my adventure in quilting by doing something simple. That would be too logical. I had this "vision."

There were very few tutorials that matched my vision, or made a lot of sense to me, because I'm not doing a simple pattern of shapes. It is more of a sketch that I'm collaging (is that even a word?) together with stained articles of clothing.

I decided I'd write about the process in a series of posts, since it is going to take a lot longer than I anticipated to put this together. If this is an utter failure, we can all use these posts as an example of what not to do when attempting to quilt.

So here is what I've been done so far.

I first grouped the old clothes and bits of material together by color.

I sketched an idea for what I wanted the quilt to look like in a notebook. Then I got some twelve by twelve white sheets of paper (these are the plain sheets that come in those packs of plastic scrapbook refill pages) and laid out how big I wanted the quilt to be on the floor. I then sketched my design onto the papers (Sorry it is so hard to see! I used a pencil so I could make changes.) on the floor, making a large grid that showed me how big I wanted each piece of material to be.

Next I began cutting fabric squares that were a wee bit bigger than 12 by 12, so I could eventually sew them together.

From there I got some carbon paper and transferred the design on the paper square to the fabric square.

This reminded me of elementary school and I couldn't stop clapping my hands each time the design transferred to the fabric, because it was just so exciting!

Then I took my paper squares and began cutting the design up.

I used each paper piece as my pattern for cutting the fabric pieces. I have to admit, it was especially hard for me to slice up some of Ellie's little outfits, even though they weren't something she (or any other baby) would ever be able to wear again. I couldn't believe how sentimental I became while doing this.

I'm still a bit afraid of my newly fixed sewing machine, so for now I've just been using fabric tape to hold the cut pieces of fabric together on each fabric square, and then I'll eventually sew everything together so it is secure.

I know this looks like nothing now, but if everything goes according to plan, it will be a little nautically inspired quilt that I can hang on a wall, or put on the foot of the bed in the guest room or something.

One and a half squares down, fifteen and a half left to go.

Does anyone have advice for me on how to continue this little project more efficiently? Feel free to leave a comment!

Also, check out my Pinterest boards dedicated to quilting and to my first quilt.

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