Jayme's To Do List

Jayme Learns:
  1. to run without feeling like dying
  2. to speak fluent Spanish 
  3. to serve tea properly
  4. to iron a shirt
  5. to perform an oil change and put on a spare tire
  6. to blow dry my hair
  7. to build a better wardrobe
  8. to play the ukelele
  9. to skate
  10. to shuffle and deal cards
  11. to draw
  12. her Canadian geography and history
  13. to get rid of dark circles under her eyes
  14. to sew a quilt
  15. to read the classic works of literature I really should have read as an English major/teacher a long time ago
  16. to make a flaky pie crust
  17. to shoot pictures in manual mode of her camera
  18. to edit pictures in Photoshop
  19. to crack an egg with one hand
  20. to make yogurt from scratch
  21. to multiply without thinking
  22. to shoot a gun
  23. to French braid her hair
  24. to play a video game with her husband
  25. to make coffee that people don't immediately spit back into their cup
  26. to use Excel properly
  27. to fold a fitted sheet
  28. to memorize four poems for Ellie's bedtime
  29. to swim using strokes
  30. to make a Thanksgiving turkey
  31. to fix toilet issues
  32. to make homemade air freshener
  33. to use her Bamboo tablet
  34. to use I-Video
  35. to record a podcast
  36. to make flour tortilla from scratch
  37. to understand football
  38. to throw and catch
  39. to sew a dress
  40. to make tomato sauce from scratch
  41. to keep an indoor herb garden alive
  42. to bake bread without using my bread machine
Bold items are on-going learning experiences that I'll report on monthly.

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Hi! I love that you commented! Thanks for making my day!